Para los que somos WISE ASS

Para aquellos que quieran ensenar o aprender a tener el trasero sabio ;]

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Welcome once more to my shity world

Welcome once more my friends to my shitty world, this is where you decide to keep on reading or just close the damn window, ok, let´s star whith the basic storry, i was so alone and depresed in my room..... wait a fucking minute i´m not telling this shitty storry again, lets start something good.....
Well here´s how it starts, one morning i get up and say: Fuck not again, i was living a nightmare every single day, it was hours in school beafore i could get home, lay in bed and just start to fall asleep, and dream of one word in particular... FUTURE, and the more a dreamt of it, the more i wanted it to happen, but now that it happend i prefer the past, but there was a moment when i thought....... WAIT WAIT WAIT THIS IS AGAIN FUCKING DEPRESING!!!!!!........ Lets start again, I love th sound of the birds tweet, the breeze in the early morning, and the little bunnys returning to their homes, and......... THIS IS TO SHITTY, NOT SO HAPPY YOU STUPID..... And lets start all over aga........ AAAAAAAAA Screww it.
Remember we are the all singing, all dancing crap of the world.
You suck and i RULE!!!!! So rot an hope you die honorobly BAY.


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